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Humility – Transformation – Migration

18 July – 6 September 2025

Caroline Guentensperger, swiss soprano

I had a great time at the Gstaad Vocal Academy 2024. Having the opportunity to receive guidance from Ludovic Tezier and Cassandre Berthon in such a wonderful setting as the mountains of Gstaad is truly a luxury for us young professional singers.All of us participants have had the chance to grow and develop our skills in a demanding environment that remains stimulating, nurturing and light-hearted, not only with each other, but also with the Academy staff.

juliette chauvet, french soprano

Mrs. Bartoli's approach to vocal technique and musicality is an important experience for us young singers, which helped me a lot. Mrs. Bartoli helps each of the participants to give their best. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to be part of the Gstaad Vocal Academy!

cecilia bartoli, academy professor

I am very pleased to realize a project together with the Menuhin Festival Gstaad that is personally very important to me: the promotion of talented young singers. Together with my mother Silvana Bazzoni, a superb teach- er and specialist for the great Italian tradition of song, we would like to teach sound vocal technique as well as the art of singing. In addition to our own experiences, we would like show the fundamental importance of the analysis of style, content and music history for a quintessential interpretation. And aside from this, I think it is simply wonderful to be able to spend a few days surrounded by the natural beauty of Saanenland immersed in an atmosphere of music.